loud music

https://www.liberationhealingseattle.com/blog-trauma-therapist/10-things-to-say-to-someone-with-cptsd-and-not-say 10 Things To Say To Someone With CPTSD (And Not Say) Jul 21 Written By Canh 10 Things To Say To Someone With CPTSD I hear you. I’m listening. It’s not your fault what happened to you. Your feelings matter to me. You are important to me. What would help you right now as you feel…

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5-17-22 to do’s…

IntrinsicByDesign.com: https://bemindful.design/ Blinding Lights: https://secondhandsongs.com/performance/962868 Work Sites: 1 Simple, 1 Standard, 1 Premium, 1 Woo https://hwpi.harvard.edu/files/pluralism/files/american_daoism_in_the_21st_century_1.pdf Blog for sites open to clients Littleladylovebug.com Links all sites Journal locked for me Ten Years After – I’d love to Change the World Get Ready the Night Before

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family rules

Forgiveness is mandatory Always tell the truth Have fun. Be Kind, Ask First. No fussing. No whining Encourage your family – share in their joy Obey your parents – we know whats best Hug daily – always be on our side Use your manners. Yes. Please – No. Thank you. Too much TV is bad…

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